Sweetser’s Director of Recovery Services Alaina Knox appeared on WMTW’s Mental Health Moment segment to discuss how Sweetser’s recovery coaches help Mainers create their own self-determined pathway of recovery. Sweetser
READ MORE >Sweetser’s Director of Recovery Services Alaina Knox appeared on WMTW’s Mental Health Moment segment to discuss how Sweetser’s recovery coaches help Mainers create their own self-determined pathway of recovery. Sweetser
READ MORE >Members of the Sanford Masonic Lodge, Preble Lodge #143 presented Sweetser with a check for $3,000 to support mental health services in the Sanford/Springvale communities. The group raised funds with
READ MORE >Sweetser’s President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer recently spoke to the Brunswick Rotary Club, informing Rotarians about the 476 Brunswick residents that benefited from our services in 2024 and highlighted
READ MORE >Sweetser’s President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer announced on WMTW Channel 8 that Sweetser is the first behavioral health organization in Maine to adopt AI as a tool for clinical
READ MORE >In the latest Mental Health Moment segment on WMTW, Sweetser’s Chief Financial Officer John McAnuff discusses the programs that have immediate openings. These include our special purpose K-12 school, crisis