Live online events
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20Jun2 hours, Fri 9:00 AM EDT - Fri 11:00 AM EDTOnline
- $40.00 excl.
Are you feeling one or more of these? We’ll review and discuss the difference between them and spend some time objectively assessing where we currently are at. We’ll close out our time by discussing self-care and how to overcome the barriers to utilizing those self-care activities.
Contact Hours
2 Hours
Presenter Biography
Steve Nesky, CADC, received his master’s degree in counseling from Northern Arizona University and was an independently licensed substance use disorder counselor in Arizona. He has been working in the behavioral health and criminal justice fields for over 30 years. With experience in outpatient, in-patient, and secure care, his experience is well rounded. He currently serves as the clinical Quality Improvement Specialist for Sweetser.