Sweetser’s Director of Recovery Services Alaina Knox appeared on WMTW’s Mental Health Moment segment to discuss how Sweetser’s recovery coaches help Mainers create their own self-determined pathway of recovery. Sweetser
READ MORE >Sweetser’s Director of Recovery Services Alaina Knox appeared on WMTW’s Mental Health Moment segment to discuss how Sweetser’s recovery coaches help Mainers create their own self-determined pathway of recovery. Sweetser
READ MORE >Members of the Sanford Masonic Lodge, Preble Lodge #143 presented Sweetser with a check for $3,000 to support mental health services in the Sanford/Springvale communities. The group raised funds with
READ MORE >Sweetser’s President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer recently spoke to the Brunswick Rotary Club, informing Rotarians about the 476 Brunswick residents that benefited from our services in 2024 and highlighted
READ MORE >Sweetser’s President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer announced on WMTW Channel 8 that Sweetser is the first behavioral health organization in Maine to adopt AI as a tool for clinical
READ MORE >In the latest Mental Health Moment segment on WMTW, Sweetser’s Chief Financial Officer John McAnuff discusses the programs that have immediate openings. These include our special purpose K-12 school, crisis
READ MORE >Sweetser’s President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer joined the crew at Lydia’s Lunch Bunch podcast to talk about her 30-plus years working in behavioral health, reducing stigma, and Sweetser’s new
READ MORE >In the latest Mental Health Moment, Sweetser Senior Director of PR & Advancement Justin Chenette talks with WMTW’s Jacob Murphy about how physical activity has been shown to have a
READ MORE >Appreciate all the staff and community members who came to our 2nd annual Skate for Sweetser event. Thanks to our corporate sponsors Martin’s Point and Benchmark Construction and donations made
READ MORE >Two in five Americans say their mood worsens in winter. Sweetser’s Medical Director Dr. Marc Kaplan appeared on WMTW’s Mental Health Moment segment to discuss ways to combat isolation during
READ MORE >1 year anniversary! We opened our Sanford Hope & Healing Center, a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, last January. Since then, we have helped more Mainers get access to mental