Posts Categorized: News

TV Segment: Legislative Funding Needed

Male TV news anchor interviewing Sweetser President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer

Mental health and substance use treatment providers came together to call on the Legislature and the Governor to fund various reforms to improve Maine’s behavioral health system. Sweetser’s President &


Sweetser & OPTIONS featured in UNE article

Woman speaking in front of a crowd in an auditorium

“The University of New England School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, in collaboration with mental health provider Sweetser, hosted a naloxone training workshop on the Biddeford Campus. Lacey Bailey, LADC,


TV Segment: Power of Pets

TV screenshot of two cats named Precious and Mr. Biscuits

Most pet owners know about the joys that come with sharing their lives with their furry companions. However, did you know they can also improve our mental health? Caring for