Jayne Pelletier and Kristen Cianelli
Sweetser recently welcomed two additions to its leadership team.
Jayne Pelletier, Ph.D. joined Sweetser as the new Director of Training. Jayne comes to Sweetser with a long history of working with adult, multi-cultural learners in a variety of settings. Her background includes extensive involvement with institutional and programmatic accreditation, program development, evaluation, and assessment. Jayne has experience with both traditional and post-traditional learners, and has considerable experience delivering professional learning in a variety of modalities. She earned a B. S. in Environmental Conservation, an M. A. T. in English, and a Ph.D. in Education, all at the University of New Hampshire. Jayne holds an Experienced Educator Certificate and is certified as an English teacher. She has taught both graduate and undergraduate students online and in the classroom at several institutions and has been responsible for all areas of instruction, including faculty observations, faculty development, and curricular changes. Jayne lives in Southern Maine and enjoys hiking, kayaking, and walks with her rescue shepherd, Bae.
Kristen Cianelli has been promoted to Director of Community-Based Services. Prior to her new position, she served as Clinical Manager for the School-based Outpatient Services program. Before social work, Kristen graduated with a Bachelors in English and French Literature and was a writer, musician, and house painter. She always loved a story and believed in the power of people. In 2014, she earned her MSW from the University of New England and began working with adolescents and families within a residential substance use treatment setting for seven years. There she developed a passion for clinical work with youth and families, access to substance use treatment, and community outreach and education. Kristen also became interested in systems that support mental health services and service providers, including the culture within agencies. She looks forward to being able to bring those interests into her new position.