Sweetser peer support services power personal recovery.
Call the Peer Support Line 24/7 from anywhere in Maine at 1-866-771-9276 (WARM).
The Peer Support Line is available toll-free from anywhere in Maine, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is a mental health peer-to-peer phone support line for adults, aged 18 and older, offering mutual conversations with a trained peer specialist who has life experience with mental health recovery. The focus is to encourage and foster recovery, moving toward wellness and reconnecting with community. Particularly for people in recovery, these compassionate, helpful conversations can keep manageable issues from escalating into a crisis.

The Peer Training Network (PTN) provides recovery-based facilitator level training to peers participating, volunteering or working in behavioral
health settings throughout Maine. Technical assistance will be available for all facilitators trained through the PTN to host their own workshops, including help with logistics, registration and tracking, refresher training and webinars.
Become a peer specialist and support people in your community with their recovery. Peer-led recovery facilitator training is offered throughout Maine for Certified Intentional Peer Support Specialists (CIPSS) and other peer practitioners.
View upcoming training opportunities
Peer Training Network
190 Lancaster Street, Suite #30
Portland, ME 04101
Email: peertrainingnetwork@sweetser.org
Phone: 1-866-617-2346
Sweetser provides trained intentional peer support specialists supporting adults 18+ with mental health and substance use challenges in hospital emergency rooms across the state.
Recovery Coaches
Sweetser has six recovery coaches delivering services across Franklin, York, Kennebec, and Oxford counties. These coaches support Mainers with substance use disorders by connecting them to community resources and harm reduction strategies that will support them in creating their self-determined pathway of recovery.
Typically, recovery coaches have personal experience with substance use disorder and are trained to provide peer-based support to others. They are uniquely positioned to support individuals experiencing substance use by using their personal recovery journey to build meaningful connections through shared experiences. Recovery coaches serve as important resources who assist the recovering person in removing barriers to recovery.
Sweetser has trained peer support integrated into community-based programs like Behavioral Health Homes and our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics.
Peer support services, available when you need them. Promise.