Sweetser’s Child ACT team
Child ACT is an intensive community-based outpatient treatment program with a multi-disciplinary team of providers that supports eligible children at imminent risk of losing where they live due to severe behavioral impairments. Treatment occurs at a location convenient to you.
Download the Child ACT Handout
The program supports children who have not benefited from lower levels of treatment and who are at a risk of needing inpatient, crisis, or residential services. The goal of the Child ACT Program is to work with the child and family to identify goals that will help improve the client’s functioning while remaining at home in the community. You will have access to a:
- Clinician
- Nurse Practitioner/Medication Manager
- Case Manager
- Family Support Specialist
The service area is within a 25-mile radius of Saco, Maine.
Call the PromiseLine at 1.800.434.3000 to learn more.