From left to right: Katie Shaw (Elks), Bob Shaw (Elks), Steve McGrath (Sweetser board member), Jayne Van Bramer (Sweetser President & CEO), Marise Anagnost (Elks), Denise Labbe (Elks), Karen Staples (American Legion), Kelly Thayer (Sweetser Development Director), Jodie Hansen (Sweetser Donor Engagement & Events Manager)
SANFORD, MAINE (February 28th, 2023) – The Sanford and Springvale communities came together to raise $20,000 to support mental health services throughout Maine.
Jamming for Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention is an annual February event at the Sanford Elks Lodge that is the culmination of multiple fundraisers throughout the year to benefit Sweetser’s behavioral health programs.
First held in 2019 after Denise Labbe became Exalted Ruler of Sanford Elks Lodge, the annual event is a joint effort of the AMVETS with Son’s & Ladies Auxiliary Post #3, American Legion T.W. Cole Post #19, Sanford Elks Lodge #1470, Sanford VFW & Auxiliary Post #9935, Springvale Social Club & Knights of Columbus, and Wolves Social Club.
Labbe came up with the idea to focus on mental health because of firsthand experiences within her own family and because she recognized that mental illness is often not discussed despite its prevalence. After participating in a Day of Caring event volunteering for Sweetser, she was put in touch with Jodie Hansen, their Donor Engagement & Events Manager.
“My goal is really to bring it to the forefront so people aren’t ashamed to ask for help, or discuss it with another person,” said Labbe. “It just may save a life.”
Covid put the event on hiatus in 2021 and 2022, making 2023 the third time the event has been held. This year’s event proved the most financially successful to date.
“This is my third fundraiser for Sweetser,” she stated. “They are so hands-on in working with us, allocating moneys for the Sanford/Springvale area. That’s where we wanted our efforts, so it really has worked well.”
Bands performed throughout the day, including Hellraizers, C4, Wacko Magnet, Middleman and Wiretap. The event also featured raffles and t-shirt sales, as well as speakers who have lived experience with mental health.
For more information about Sweetser services, visit sweetser.org. If you are interested in volunteering or fundraising for Sweetser, please reach out to Jodie Hansen at 207-294-4476.