Sweetser OPTIONS Liaison — Lacey Bailey and Dawn Kearns (photos from Journey Magazine)
The latest edition of Journey Magazine features two of Sweetser’s OPTIONS (Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach Naloxone and Safety) Liaisons — Lacey Bailey and Dawn Kearns.
‘Lacey Bailey, the OPTIONS Liaison at Sweetser for York County, is a Maine native who enjoys giving people a lifeline when they most need it. “Through my position with OPTIONS I am able to connect people with the services they need,” she said. “Many people check in with me on a regular basis as another person they can reach out to and be connected with.”’
‘Dawn Kearns has been in recovery for a number of years and, as is her nature, she wanted to pay it forward to others on their own journeys. That’s why Dawn is such an asset to Kennebec County as OPTIONS Liaison, working for Sweetser.’
The OPTIONS initiative at Sweetser is a partnership with the Maine Office of Behavioral Health to improve the health of Mainers who use substances by using harm reduction strategies, supporting recovery, and providing referrals for services. Learn more about OPTIONS at knowyouroptions.me.