Sweetser Starts Mental Health Matters Fund

Sweetser has started the Mental Health Matters Fund to ensure treatment is available regardless of someone’s ability to pay. Last year, Sweetser provided nearly $1 million in care to individuals and families in need of mental health services who didn’t have the ability to pay. This included Mainers who are uninsured and underinsured.

The cost of care for addressing one’s mental health challenges or the mental health needs of one’s children, should not be a barrier to getting treatment. The focus should be on healing and recovery. While no one is turned away, but Sweetser can’t do it alone.


Our new PSA has been running on multiple TV stations across the state and we are in the midst of our spring fundraising campaign. Help encourage individuals in your life to donate therapy to a Maine family in need via the Mental Health Matters Fund by texting the word ‘SWEETSER’ to 366283 or by visiting https://sweetser.ejoinme.org/mentalhealthmatters.