Adult Mental Health First Aid-Public Safety combines self-guided elearning and a virtual instructor-led session. CLICK on the tile of the course for more details.
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Made possible by a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), Psychological First Aid (PFA) and Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) will be provided FREE for in-person training sessions to those living in or providing services in the following counties: Androscoggin, northern coastal Cumberland, Knox, Lincoln, Penobscot, Sagadahoc, Waldo, York
Those outside of the listed counties are welcome to attend for a price of $40 per in-person course.
MHFA, PFA, and Preventing ACEs are FREE to everyone statewide when attending one of our interactive webinar sessions.
PLEASE NOTE….No CEUs nor Contact Hours are being provided for the Mental Health First Aid courses.
Police, 911 dispatchers, other first responders, corrections officers, nursing home staff, veterans and their families, volunteers, teachers and members of the general public can benefit from the information provided in Mental Health First Aid.
Please note: This course would not be considered a self-care workshop for clinical practitioners.
1) you have been officially “Enrolled”
2) providing you with a link to access a 2 hour self-guided course you must complete prior to attending the instructor-led portion.
3) your username is your email address and your password is: Connectme1!
Thank you for your interest in taking MHFA. Contact for questions.