A premier product in recovery-based training, WRAP® is a self-management and recovery system for persons coping with diverse physical and behavioral challenges. The PTN continues to offer WRAP® Seminar II- Facilitator Training to peers participating, volunteering or working in behavioral health settings (behavioral health homes, assertive community treatment programs, clubhouses and peer-run recovery centers).
Thousands of people across the United States and around the world have been trained as WRAP® Facilitators, and they are changing the mental health system to honor people’s recovery journeys. This course models the behavior of a facilitator in a WRAP® class and stresses authenticity and unconditional high regard, as well as a strong set of values and ethics to guide your work.
This training is appropriate for anyone who would like to lead WRAP® groups, work with others to develop their own WRAP and give presentations on issues related to mental health recovery for groups or organizations. Attendees are expected to have a solid working knowledge of WRAP and share their experiential knowledge of how WRAP can work.
The WRAP® Facilitator training provides an experiential learning environment based on mutuality. Participants in this course will be expected to engage in interactive learning activities and demonstrate their own experience with WRAP®. To attend this training, it is expected that you have familiarity with the different parts of WRAP through completion of one of the following prerequisites (conducted by a WRAP® Facilitator):
- 8 or 12 week Seminar I group or workshop or the 4-day WRAP® Seminar I- Introduction to Mental Health Recovery offered by the PTN.
- Additionally, it is expected that you will also have developed and used your own WRAP.
Additional Resources
- Webinar: Click HERE to watch a short webinar on “WRAP® Facilitation An Evidence Based Practice” (please note the webinar starts a little bit late into the recording)
- Copeland Center: For more information on WRAP®:https://copelandcenter.com/
- Video: For a video on benefits of becoming a WRAP® Facilitator:Transformation of Community Support Through Copeland Center WRAP® Facilitation